• Understanding the TCPA Consent Requirements: What Lead Sellers Need to Know

  • This article originally appeared on bizzmarkblog.com


    Lead sellers need to learn how to correctly handle TCPA (Telephone Consumer Protection Act) consent to avoid trouble. The TCPA has strict guidelines with regard to how businesses can communicate with customers, especially under telemarketing services and pre-recorded and non-voice telemarketing messages. It is crucial for lead sellers to comprehend and conform to the TCPA consent necessities hence to lawfully market and communicate with prospective clients. Read on to know what consent involves under TCPA, the correct ways to get this consent and why it must form part of your lead generation process.

    What is TCPA Consent?

    TCPA consent refers to the permission businesses need under the Telephone Consumer Protection Act to communicate with consumers. This includes using auto-dialing systems, commonly known as robocalls, pre-recorded voice messages, and text messages. Such communications have to be commenced only after having obtained such consent and such consent has to be recorded. The TCPA requires you to have written consent from the consumer before auto dialing systems or pre-recorded voice can be used. Knowing what to do and what not in TCPA compliance as it relates to consent saves your business and more importantly protects you from the lawyers.

    How to Get TCPA-Compliant Consent

    Getting valid TCPA consent also has certain crucial steps that need to be followed and met. First, it has to be written, and the consumer shall also sign the consent. This consent must read like the consumer giving their approval to be called by an automated system or to be sent automated text messages. It is also vital that in the consent process, the consumer is fully informed on the matter on which he or she is giving consent. Be sure to incorporate disclosure on the consent forms that serves as a notice about the communication and how the information provided will be used. Also, ensure that there is documentation of all the consents that have been given to the patients in case there is a need to show that the consent was obtained following the law.

    The Importance of TCPA Compliance

    Staying on the right side of TCPA consent requirements is not just about steering clear of hefty penalties, it is about getting your consumers’ trust. Fines are one of the consequences of non-compliance which will harm your business besides contradicting its reputation. Thus, following TCPA consent rules will help any business be more attentive to consumer’s rights and preferences. It also enhances your lead generation exercise since the compliance efforts would ensure the prospects engage well or are more likely to convert. You should incorporate TCPA consent practices into business activities to cover your interests and most importantly have business courtesy.


    There is no shortage of reasons why lead sellers should familiarize themselves with TCPA consent requirements to help them run their business legally and while on the right side of consumers. By getting a valid TCPA consent, you ensure the legal bit in your business is in order, apart from the fact that you conduct your lead generation most efficiently and effectively possible....